Finding the right poems for funerals for Mothers can help ease the burden at a difficult time.
It really doesn’t matter how old you are when your mum dies. It is an enormous shock to the system, even if it has been expected for some time. If you were fortunate enough to have a loving, nurturing mum, a huge part of your life, your history and your shared memories go along with her. Of course, we all know it is the way of things, part of the natural order that our parents should die before us, but none of these facts take the pain away. She was always there and now she isn’t…..
We need to allow ourselves the time and space to grieve this momentous loss and adjust to the new normal. We must try not to pile more pressure on ourselves to show a stiff upper lip to the world. It’s ok to mourn such a loss and people do understand.
Poetry and readings for your Mother’s funeral can really help at such a time. For the farewell service, I often suggest one of the following mum funeral poems to my families and this can really make an impression on the occasion.
Poems for Funerals for Mothers
Feel No Guilt in Laughter – Unknown
Feel no guilt in laughter, she’d know how much you care.
Feel no sorrow in a smile that she is not here to share.
You cannot grieve forever; she would not want you to.
She’d hope that you could carry on the way you always do.
So, talk about the good times and the way you showed you cared,
The days you spent together, all the happiness you shared.
Let memories surround you. A word someone may say
Will suddenly recapture a time, an hour, a day,
That brings her back as clearly as though she were still here,
And fills you with the feeling that she is always near.
For if you keep those moments, you will never be apart
And she will live forever locked safely within your heart.
Afterglow by Helen Lowrie Marshall
I’d like the memory of me to be a happy one.
I’d like to leave an afterglow of smiles when life is done.
I’d like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways,
Of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days.
I’d like the tears of those who grieve, to dry before the sun;
Of happy memories that I leave when life is done.
She is Gone by David Harkins
You can shed tears that she is gone
Or you can smile because she has lived
You can close your eyes and pray that she will come back Or you can open your eyes and see all that she has left Your heart can be empty because you can’t see her
Or you can be full of the love that you shared
You can turn your back on tomorrow and live yesterday
Or you can be happy for tomorrow because of yesterday You can remember her and only that she is gone
Or you can cherish her memory and let it live on
You can cry and close your mind, be empty and turn your back
Or you can do what she would want: smile, open your eyes, love and go on.
My Mother Kept a Garden – unknown
My Mother kept a garden.
A garden of the heart;
She planted all the good things,
That gave my life it’s start.
She turned me to the sunshine,
And encouraged me to dream:
Fostering and nurturing
The seeds of self-esteem.
And when the winds and rains came,
She protected me enough;
But not too much, she knew I’d need
To stand up strong and tough.
Her constant good example,
Always taught me right from wrong;
Markers for my pathway
To last my whole life long.
I am my Mother’s garden,
I am her legacy.
And I hope today she feels the love,
Reflected back from me.
There are so many moods that can be created from poems and verses. When I meet my families, I always enjoy talking this through with them and helping them choose their perfect poems for funerals for Mothers.
If you are struggling with grief after the loss of your Mother, Healthline has some advice for navigating this difficult time.